Psychopaths: 12 Manipulative Control Phrases

  • We will learn about 12 phrases psychopaths use to control you.
  • What is it like to be friends or partners with a psychopath?

While the medical definition of a psychopath is more complicated, psychopathy, in simple terms, describes a person who lacks empathy and is driven exclusively by self-satisfaction. As a result, they notoriously abuse, manipulate, and otherwise take advantage of other people in an effort to better their lives.

The key to their selfish agendas and intricate social webs Above all, they crave a feeling of power over other people. They want to feel superior to the rest of the world. They want to be in charge, even if that means driving another person’s life into the ground. Oftentimes, innocent people, like friends and partners, pay the price for a psychopath’s selfish ambitions.

In some cases, a person’s entire life is destroyed without them ever realizing they are under the thumb of a malicious and manipulative personality. Now, this doesn’t mean that all psychopaths are terrible, relentless people who want to see the world burn.

However, there is a notable percentage of psychopaths, as well as narcissists and sociopaths, known for their calculating, selfish, and controlling behavior. These are people who gradually worm their way into your life, feeding you lies and sweet nothings until you’re too invested to see the problems right in front of your face.

When that happens, it’s all too easy for a psychopath to control you. So, how do you know if you are trapped in a psychopath’s web? In the thick of it, it can be almost impossible to see or think clearly.

These clever puppet masters lull you into a false sense of security, but if you know what a psychopath sounds like, you can spare yourself from a lifetime of hardship.Listen closely to these 12 controlling phrases, because if you hear them, you could be in more danger than you realize.

1. You made me do

This To a psychopath, nothing is ever their fault. They refuse to take responsibility for their mistakes and consistently offload their problems onto other people’s shoulders. So, you might hear them say things like, “You made me do this,” followed by some twisted justification for why you ruined their life.

No matter how logical their argument sounds, remember this: You are not responsible for their choices. Play their game, and a psychopath will throw you under the bus without feeling an ounce of remorse.

2. You’re too insecure.

Toxic personalities thrive on your insecurity, especially in romantic relationships. For example, you might catch them flirting with other partners, but when you catch them in the act, they flip the situation on its head. They tell you that you’re crazy, insecure, and jealous.

They give you guilt for not trusting them and insulting their character. But you are not the problem. Psychopaths purposely create feelings of jealousy by manufacturing false romances and imaginary love triangles. They want you to be on your toes.

They want you to feel worried and insecure. Why? Because this toxic cycle keeps them in a position of power and keeps you from seeing the light of day.

3. I Didn’t Say That

Has anyone ever accused you of twisting their words? You repeat their words back to them exactly as they said them, yet they claim they never said anything of the sort. Should you believe them, or are they just trying to control you? This is exactly what a psychopath wants.

They want you to second-guess your thoughts and memories. They want you filled with uncertainty and self-doubt. When you no longer trust yourself, you begin to value their words more than your own. You trust that they are telling you the truth, but in reality, they’re lying to control and take advantage of you.

4. You have no proof.

Concrete evidence is not enough to change a psychopath’s opinion. Let’s say you have a friend that you think is lying to you. You approach them with proof of their lies, but they may refuse to acknowledge the evidence right in front of their faces.

Instead, they say over and over again that “you have no proof. They insist that it’s your word against theirs. It doesn’t matter how strong your evidence is; psychopaths will dismiss you again and again until you’re too exhausted to continue.

5. Can’t you take a joke?

Psychopaths are bullies by nature. They insult and criticize the people in their lives, but when someone fights back, they like to disguise their cruel comments as harmless jokes. Let’s say you’re talking to your partner when they begin making fun of your weight.

This is something you’re sensitive about, so you rightfully feel offended. When you stand up for yourself, your partner claims they were joking, but it didn’t feel like a joke to you. If someone attacks your insecurities, you have every right to be upset and offended.

Anyone who feels remorse for their actions will apologize and try to make it up to you. Psychopaths, on the other hand, don’t care how you feel. As long as they’re in a position of power, they’ll hurt your feelings as much and as often as they want.

6. Remember When You…

Whenever they feel threatened, psychopaths like to divert and distort the conversation. If you say something that implies their guilt, they’ll desperately change the subject, fabricate extreme emotions, or open old wounds—anything to distract you from your original point.

If you let them, a psychopath will bury you in so many old arguments and irrelevant ideas that you can’t make sense of the conversation.

7. You need help.

Psychopaths want you to question your sanity. Whenever you raise concerns or ask questions, they make you feel like you are the crazy one in your relationship. They may tell you that you’re mentally unhealthy or emotionally unstable, and they may encourage you to seek help.

On the surface, they may act like they care about you and want the best for you, but they don’t. They want you to be unhappy and unhealthy. They want you to question your sanity. Because the more unstable you are, the easier it is to manipulate and control you.

8. Don’t You Love Me?

For a psychopath, love is a bargaining chip. It’s a tool they can use to sway your emotions and manipulate your behavior. For example, let’s say your partners ask you for a favor that you can’t fulfill. While most people would understand and move on, a psychopath may push their advantage by questioning your love for them.

They might say something like this: “If you really loved me, you would do this for me. They may even question your love for them by saying, “I thought you loved me, but I guess that was a lie. In other words, psychopaths treat emotional intimacy as a piece of leverage, and they often force you to prove your love with gifts or favors. But any partner who questions your love and threatens your relationship isn’t the right person for you.

9. Just let it go.

Does your friend or partner accuse you of creating problems that don’t exist?

When you raise issues with their behavior, they insist you “let it go” and “move on,” without acknowledging that they have done anything wrong. Psychopaths use these phrases to excuse their abuses and continue their toxic behavioral cycles. As long as they don’t acknowledge your concerns, they never have to change.

10. You’re Being Dramatic

A psychopath will regularly trivialize your emotions. They consistently use phrases like “you’re so sensitive” or “you’re being dramatic to whittle away at your emotional health.

Over time, you start to hold back your feelings and silence your independent voice. Unfortunately, this makes it easier for toxic, narcissistic people to control you. The less you say, the easier it is for a psychopath to push their agenda.

11. What More Do You Want?

Sometimes, a psychopath will apologize for their actions, but their apologies are never earnest or satisfying, and they almost always come with a catch. After making a fake apology, they act like they have done you a gigantic favor. If you’re unsatisfied and ask for more, they accuse you of being unreasonable or expecting too much.

But you’re not asking for anything you don’t deserve. Everyone needs emotional support and transparency in a relationship. If your friend or partner is unwilling to communicate, they may not have your best interests in mind.

12. Your One and Only

The last thing a psychopath wants is for you to leave them for someone else. So, they make every effort to trap you inside your friendship or relationship.

For example, a toxic and narcissistic partner may say that you are not capable of finding someone else. They insist that they are the one and only person for you, making you feel like you have no other options.

But you have more power and freedom than you think. If you’re caught up in a toxic relationship, it may feel like your world is shrinking. As your partner feeds you lies and destroys your self-esteem, you may lose faith in yourself.

So, choose to be happy. Choose to set yourself free because, underneath the surface, the psychopath in your life is only looking out for themselves.

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